RBOT Festival at the Museum of Cosmonautics
April 12, 1961 went into space, Yuri Gagarin! In memory of those 108 minutes of the first manned flight into space on April 12 became the Day of Cosmonautics. In 2011, at a meeting of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution...
Receiving orders
Open to accept pre-orders for "robot with interchangeable intelligence" R.BOT Synergy. Send your request to info@rbot.ru. Robots with interchangeable intelligence R.BOT Synergy Mobile Robot Swan Min height (folded): 350 mm...
Robot in Minsk
R.BOT became the most popular promoter of the exhibition "Belarusian House - 2013" in Minsk. The robot came to the capital of Belarus, to support popular portal Dom.by and present their new mobile app to easily find the store building products, tools, furniture and household appliances. Around...
R.BOT mini
Unprecedented mobility for desktop WEB-cam!
Owner of desktop WEB-camera R.BOT mini can offer his companion not just capability to see and hear via camera but to drive robot (it’s movement along the table and head movement) via Internet. R.BOT mini completely widens field of view, without limiting it by fixed position of WEB-camera.