RBOT Festival at the Museum of Cosmonautics
April 12, 1961 went into space, Yuri Gagarin! In memory of those 108 minutes of the first manned flight into space on April 12 became the Day of Cosmonautics. In 2011, at a meeting of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution...
Receiving orders

Open to accept pre-orders for "robot with interchangeable intelligence" R.BOT Synergy. Send your request to info@rbot.ru. Robots with interchangeable intelligence R.BOT Synergy Mobile Robot Swan Min height (folded): 350 mm...
Robot in Minsk
R.BOT became the most popular promoter of the exhibition "Belarusian House - 2013" in Minsk. The robot came to the capital of Belarus, to support popular portal Dom.by and present their new mobile app to easily find the store building products, tools, furniture and household appliances. Around...
At school number 166 in Moscow in one of the classes studied … robot, whose name is “Stepan.” Completely normal student control the robot, while sitting at home, listening to the teacher and posted at the blackboard. Stepan real boy suffered from leukemia and could not leave the house. That’s why instead of him going to school car.

Embody fantastic scenario in real life has a Russian company “Rbot”, dedicated to the design and implementation of innovative and high-tech solutions in the field of robotics. Employees identified Stepan “personal” robot (R.bot) at school, as well as allow him to connect to the robot in the office.
By the way, this year Stepan recovered, and when I came to class, he would not have to make up for the program, because of the educational process, it actually dropped. A robot will now be able to control the other guys. By November, the company “Rbot” plans to launch new versions of its development.
Control technology “Avatar” is simple. The operator sits at a computer and controls using keys, mouse or touch screen, and its robotelo moves to arbitrarily large distance. The operator communicates with others via webcam, hears and sees everything that happens around his iron twin: the robot the microphones, speakers and a camera that is controlled by the operator-R.bot can look around, up and down. Talking to him, the people see the operator’s face on a monitor mounted on the “chest” of the machine. In order for the whole system to work, only need an Internet connection on your computer and an access point Wi-Fi in the place where the robot.
The first telepresence robots appeared in 2000, but they were soon driven toys speed for video is not enough. They were replaced by a device with which to passively observe what is happening, without entering into any contact. Today was real, not only to establish a full-fledged communication, but also to control the robot at any distance, even if it is on the other side of the world.
Similar developments took place in different countries, but they either stopped as hopeless, or confined to an expensive project. Russian scientists were able to see the huge potential of this idea, because it can be used in many different areas of life, and especially in the social sphere. The development is already interested in Europe and North America.
The closest analogue of foreign-cute robot QB from the company Anybots. However, it costs about 15 thousand dollars – five times more than R.bot.
R.bot uniqueness lies in its compact size, ease of management, a relatively low price (about 100 thousand) and versatility. Personal robots today can afford many firms, museums, hospitals, and even private individuals. One example of the use of such technology – medicine. Physicians can communicate with patients at a distance at any time from anywhere in the world and to control their condition. Simply connect to your robotelu, to call in the House, take a look at the monitors, to talk with the patient, inspect it and issue the necessary orders hospital staff. Can even a situation where a doctor can remotely qualified to attend the operations as a consultant.
For social adaptation of people with disabilities robot – the second life in the literal sense of the word: with it they like other can walk, attend a variety of activities, go to work, socialize with friends. Trapped within the four walls, and even bedridden invalid able to work, get paid to come to him and a sense of self-importance, relevance. And children who are educated at home can learn along with everyone present in the classroom, meet the board, chat with classmates at recess. Just write off, perhaps, will not work. Until you get it. R.bot now working in several schools in the Hospital. AA Vishnevsky. At the Polytechnic Museum and the Museum of Science entertaining “Former perimentanium” already has two guides with disabilities.
New life, new opportunities were not slow to bear fruit. For example, one of the people with disabilities participating in the experiment, partly rid of inhibition of speech. Not to speak of victory over fear and gain confidence in themselves.

The robots will be used in advertising campaigns, and in the distribution of leaflets. They draw attention to themselves and are successful at shows. Of them also make good home helpers, there are models who are trained to water the flowers or fill in a special pet food bowl. And while robots have absolutely no bad habits. It will not be annoyingly nagging in your ear to complain about my life, smoking and drinking alcohol.
Why R.bot not in the real sense be called “Skype on wheels”? What is beyond the technical intricacies of it is different from, say, a radio-controlled car with a web-cam in the back? First, the appearance. Man is easier to communicate with the machine, if it is even remotely resembles him. In this respect R.bot, having “head”, “neck” and “trunk”, careful attention to detail. Its width is such that the robot runs quietly in the middle doorway. The lack of corners – for the safety of others, especially children. In addition, turning on its axis, it does not touch the adjacent objects.
Growth also selected optimum. On the one hand, a person close to the robot does not feel small. This is especially important for students. On the other – the robot is solid enough to take it as his own kind, as an independent and intelligent object.
The device has an automatic mode – the robot can travel on a certain trajectory, perform simple actions, he is connected to a power source (located, however, within its scope). But the operator may at any time transfer its “double” in a controlled manner. So Rise of the Machines at this stage of humanity is not threatened.
Operators, or, as they are called, robodrayvery, identify with R.bot and immediately say, “Come to me”, “Get away from me” – instead of “Come to the robot,” “Get away from the robot.”
Alexey Knyazev, CEO “Rbot” personally served as robodrayvera during testing of his “Robocop” in Perm. Admits that he remembers not like sitting at the computer and pressed the button, and then, as it kicked and pushed the bullies and how he talked to passers-by.
The company tries to make the robot “hands”, which can be controlled with the help of ropes. But they are too heavy and bulky. Such a robot can, for example, to stretch and shake his hand, indicate the direction in the hand a police baton. But more it is not capable of. To make the hand more functional, you need to almost completely change the “stuffing.”
But the experiments continue. Perhaps in the near future such a robot will measure medicine dropper to change the patient or, say, a rock kids. Another objective of inventors – rearrange robots
to “normal” feet, so they were not a hindrance ladders, walkways and high sills. The main thing is the dream of scientists now – to develop its users find people to stop being afraid and ignore the technology and appreciate the high potential of Russian robotics.
Source: http://x-ufo.ru/2012/09/19/robot_vmesto_cheloveka.html